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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Silver and Gold Investments

During a bad economy, especially when major banks fail, the first thing that comes across many minds is to cash out on all investments and hide your hard-earned money under your mattress or a safe within your home. Savvy investors do the exact opposite. Smart investors will keep their money invested and some will even invest more money in the market. In today’s market, even the savviest investors are very concerned about their investments, even in the silver and gold markets.

The dilemma of financially stabilizing the world economy is usually met with the fiscal Establishment printing more money, Euros and dollars. Freshly printed money that does not purchase the desire of the government, causes inflation and will continue to do so until people reject paper money. Savvy investors believe that until there is official use of gold and silver in the global monetary system our international financial system will never stabilize.

Investors have many reasons why they are leery concerning precious metals especially in the middle of a financial crisis. Silver is not always thought as a metal of monetary means anymore, therefore it is not purchased as such. Fortunately insightful financial investors believe they can use gold and silver, not for profits, but for barriers to protect against depression and inflation, plus they do not want to miss an opportunity to achieve greater profits in financial slumps. Even with studies and observations about the market of precious metals, numerous astute investors are sure that silver has the potential of greater returns in various markets. Although financial history dictates the instability of silver will lead for it to perform better than gold in terms of percentage on the upside but worse on the downside, industrial demand on silver can cause an increase in commodity prices and silver investments may thrive in this situation.

A number of investors declare that silver is not a monetary metal anymore because of its industrial uses and the IMF (International Metalworkers Federation-who track precious metals that nations hold) would agree with them as they care little about silver. Gold and silver have been used as money for more than a thousand years and people determine what should serve as currency of money. Money currencies have obvious flaws and when governments inflate money supplies the flaws become evident. Securing investments in gold and silver will allow individuals to have ‘fruits of labor’ even during hard economic times.


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